
Happy Monday!

Our waiting is done time to unwind a welcoming sun relaxes the mind enjoy it before it's too late because it won't last please do not hesitate let us forget about the past


Happy Sunday!

 The first day of spring a warm breeze in my hair isn't a lovely thing to feel that freshness in the air. 
4,7 kilometer idag


Happy Sunday

Don't act unreliable and immature behave in a decent way never hurt a person whos intentions are pure and you will be happy one day



and lies show in your face they leave a definite and permant trace with an honest and sincere mind peace and true happiness you will find

Happy Friday!

4, 8 kilometres yesterday. We are expecting snow today, how do you handle this cold?


Cold February night


Vår i luften!

No more clouds of grey
time to leave winter behind
a beautiful cloudless day
and a peaceful mind
spring is in the air
our waiting is done
a soft breeze in my hair
and a vitalizing sun
Fransk nougat tillbaka!

Happy Tuesday!

- 8 grader klockan 6



sån här trevlig hälsning får man när man blir månadsgivare hos Göteborgs Räddningsmission!

Happy Monday!

När vintern håller ett starkt grepp om oss kan man drömma om att möta våren i Paris..."April in Paris"



ä kylan här mä allt va dä innebär se till att inte fryse så du inte börjar nyse sitt inne och vegetere så kanske du orkar mere

Happy Thursday!





Happy Tuesday

For some warmth I pray and the sun shining throught the trees a beautiful springtime day and a soft caressing breeze time to let go and look forward to a future bright no more ice and snow but a beneficial light